Lee Law Firm

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Slip And Fall Attorney

Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents can result in severe injuries or even death. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury in the United States. Slip and fall injuries can have long-term consequences, and you will need full compensation to cover all of your medical expenses. An experienced slip and fall lawyer in Miami Gardens, FL is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us and set up your free consultation.

Getting Started Immediately

In slip and fall cases, proving liability can be difficult. To win, we must demonstrate that the property or business owner was aware of, or should have been aware of, the hazardous conditions and failed to correct the problem in a timely manner.

Although the statute of limitations for a slip and fall lawsuit is three years in New York, you should consult with an experienced slip and fall attorney right away. Evidence must be collected as soon as possible. We have to locate and speak with witnesses, review any video of your accident, and, if possible, document the conditions at the scene. After a slip and fall accident, vital evidence can vanish or be destroyed quickly. Witnesses’ identities and locations become more difficult to identify and locate, and their memories fade.

Risky Conditions Causing Slip And Fall

Multiple conditions that can be reason of slip and fall accidents include:

•    Obstacles, debris, or messes that have been left in walkways
•    Low obstacles that can cause tripping, such as open cabinets or drawers
•    Cross-path cables or cords
•    Failure to post warning signs for wet floors during cleaning
•    Carpeting and rugs that are loose or wrinkled
•    Slick flooring material
•    Spills and other messes that are not cleaned up in a timely manner
•    Fail to block off wet floors and other dangerous areas
•    Damaged flooring
•    Uneven floors or walkways
•    Uneven or damaged stairs
•    Escalators, Elevators, & moving sidewalks that are damaged or malfunction
•    Inadequate lighting
•    Inadequate snow and ice removal
•    Missing or loose hand rails
•    Leaky refrigeration or air conditioning unit
•    And some other leaks that will be reason of slick floors or sidewalks
•    Slick mold overgrowth

To learn more about your rights following a slip and fall accident in Florida or anywhere in the state, contact the experienced Florida Personal Injury Lawyer or fill out an online contact form today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Michael Lee, Esq.

We offer free in-person and online
consultations. (407) 015-5999

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